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The full Fire Authority comprising all 17 councillors meets a minimum three times a year.

The chief fire officer and directors sit at the table with the Fire Authority members and act as advisors. Also present is a legal adviser and the Fire Authority treasurer (currently our director of resources is the FA treasurer).

As well as the full Fire Authority meetings, there are also a number of committees made up of smaller groups of Fire Authority members, which look at certain aspects of the fire service. These committees make recommendations on the delivery of the Service and make decisions about issues relating to their specific field.

Both the Fire Authority and the main committees are open to members of the public and anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and watch the debates. The agendas and minutes for these meetings can be found under Fire Authority Documents.

The main committees that are open to the public are:

  • Policy and Resources Committee - responsible for making recommendations to the Fire Authority on the annual budget and precept, the Authority's objectives and priorities, and the main Service planning policies, including the Integrated Risk Management Plan. This committee meets five times a year.
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee - responsible for scrutinising the Fire Authority's policies and performance, and acts as the Fire Authority's audit committee. The Committee also deals with alleged breaches of the Members' Code of Conduct. This committee meets four times a year.

As well as the main committees, there are a number of other smaller committees which meet as and when required and tend to meet in private as they are dealing with confidential issues. An example is the Appointments Committee which is responsible for appointing the chief fire officer and directors.

Meetings of the Fire Authority and its committees are usually held at Fire Service Headquarters at Hinchingbrooke Cottage, Brampton Road, Huntingdon, PE29 2NA.

Public Speaking at Fire Authority Meetings

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority welcomes and encourages the input and contribution of representatives of voluntary and other external organisations, including businesses, and the wider public in order to deliver greater improvement and accountability across its services.  One way of enabling this to happen is to provide an opportunity for members of the public to speak at meetings of the Fire Authority.  While we need to make sure that meetings can be run effectively we also want to ensure that it is as straightforward as possible for people to have their say so that anyone with a point to make can do so.

The Fire Authority supports the principle of transparency and encourages filming, recording and taking photographs at its meetings that are open to the public.  It also welcomes the use of social networking websites (such as Twitter and Facebook) and micro-blogging to communicate with people about what is happening, as it happens.

Guidance on public speaking, filming, recording and taking photographs at public meetings can be found here:


Meeting dates