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Home fire safety

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to supporting the safety and wellbeing of residents in all of the communities that we serve.

We have an online home safety check that you can fill in to make sure you're keeping your home fire safe. We also provide free visits to vulnerable residents around the county, where we'll give advice about keeping safe and well in your home.

Online home safety check

Using our online home safety check, you can carry out your own fire risk assessment to make sure you are keeping you and your family safe from fire. Our online tool takes you through some simple questions about you and your home and provides an action plan that you can download and print.

You can carry out a check for yourself, or any family members. Friends, neighbours, registered carers, support workers and partner agencies can all use this tool. In some cases, it may suggest that we attend your property to install safety measures for you.

Safe and Well visit

The Safe and Well visit will provide us with sufficient information to support you and, with your permission, refer you to selected partner agencies, who will be able to support you further. We will not share your data with marketing companies or for other purposes.

Our visit will last no longer than 60 minutes and is completely FREE of charge. Our visit will assess five key elements:

  1. Fire safety in the home 

  2. Smoking 

  3. Keeping warm in your home 

  4. Falls prevention 

  5. Crime prevention and scams.

You are under no obligation to answer any questions that you do not want to, but the more information you provide us with, the better we will be able to support you. We can also provide advice in relation to promoting the health and safety of individuals with hoarding concerns, as well as providing valuable information to care providers.

You can find out if you or a family member or friend are likely to be eligible for a free home fire safety check by calling the automated message line on 0800 917 9994 and leave a message including the persons name, address and daytime phone number to receive a call back.

Information for professional agencies

If you are from an external agency looking to refer a resident for a Safe and Well Visit, please use the online referral form