Service Headquarters
Address: Hinchingbrooke Cottage, Brampton Road, Huntingdon, PE29 2NA
Phone: 01480 444 500
Fire Service Headquarters is not an operational fire station but provides office accommodation for staff working in professional roles to support the frontline. It also houses our Combined Fire Control.
The chief fire officer and directors are based at Service headquarters as well as fire officers in operational support roles and the majority of the Service's support staff who work in a whole host of functions, including finance, HR, media and communication, IT, community fire safety, operational support, property and maintenance, administration, contracts and procurement, performance and project management.
Our Combined Fire Control is a joint control room with Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service. Around 40 control operators are employed to deal with the thousands of 999 calls we receive each year across both counties and they mobilise fire engines, specialist appliances and officers to incidents. The team works in five watches - Blue, Green, White, Red and Day watches - headed by the control group commander.
what3word location: Tint.Stick.Fail