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There are a number of documents and resources that we believe may be of interest to people as well as those that we are obliged to publish. These are set out below in a list of contents with the documents and explanations of what they are below that.

If there is information you would like to know that is not listed below or has not been made available elsewhere on our website, you can make an enquiry or a request it under the Freedom of Information Act from our Contact us page.

Documents available

Here is a list of all the documents you can find by scrolling down:

Brief table of contents:

  • Risk and Resource Methodology
  • Annual Report
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Health, Safety and Environment Policy Statement of Intent
  • Business Continuity and Information Security Statement of Intent
  • Environment Management Policy
  • Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Risk and Resource Methodology

The purpose of this methodology document is to set out the rationale behind the activities we carry out across Operational Response and Risk, Community Safety Protection and Community Safety Prevention.


Annual report

The annual report covers a financial year and outlines our how we spent our money, highlights from the year, partnership work, the service improvement projects we are progressing and what we have done in the year to contribute to our strategic aims.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is available to view below:

Every year we report on our actions from this plan. This is known as our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Compliance annual report. The reports can be found in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion section. 


Statements of Intent


Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Our publication scheme sets out where information can be found or how to request information.