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Farm fire

Farm fire safety

Farm fires can be devastating, resulting in the loss of machinery, livestock, stores of hay and straw, and the destruction of buildings. A serious fire on a farm can affect the financial stability of even the most well run business.

Farms are at a high risk of fire because there are often lots of combustible materials stored in or around agricultural buildings. Farms are also often in isolated locations which may have poor water supply. This makes farms much more vulnerable to fire getting ot of control, especially in summer when hot and dry weather increases the risk of wildfires spreading.

Farms are particularly vulnerable to deliberate fires and arson due to their isolated location, open boundaries, readily ignitable hay and straw stacks often making them easy targets.

Top tips to be prepared in case of fire

  • Download the What3words app to give a precise location to emergency services
  • Ensure your farm is clearly signposted and make sure you keep all access routes clear in case emergency vehicles need to access the site
  • Always keep escape routes clear and free from rubbish or combustible materials
  • Always carry a mobile phone in case you need to make an emergency call
  • Keep a list of useful telephone numbers with you
  • Plan ahead
  • Make sure everyone on the farm knows the fire plan
  • Keep any firefighting equipment easily accessible and ensure everyone knows where it’s stored
  • Ensure any firefighting equipment is serviced regularly to keep it in good working order
  • Make sure you have an animal evacuation plan for your livestock in the event of a fire
  • Do not store flammable items near livestock.